Hobbton Class of 1995 - 20th Reunion

By Hobbton High School Class of 1995 (other events)

Saturday, October 3 2015 6:00 PM 10:00 PM EDT

Ticket sales have been extended until Sunday, September 20th.

Scroll down the entire page for details, pictures & frequently asked questions

The Big Night: Can you believe it's been 20 years?!?!

We invite you to join us for a casual evening where we can mix and mingle with old friends, catch up on where life has taken us since 1995, and enjoy good food and beverages!  The evening begins at 6pm, but please arrive no later than 7pm to enjoy the food.  Around 7:30 / 8pm, we will officially welcome everyone and take a few minutes to let classmates share their current whereabouts and life events with the group.  We are also inviting a few of the teachers and staff that were special to our class, so you don't want to miss visiting with them! 

The Richert Inn is a beautiful historic home that has recently been remodeled, and has plenty of space for everyone to socialize (check out the pics at the bottom of this page).  Enjoy your food and beverages while you meander through the rooms of the home, or hang out on the huge wrap-around porch.  Be sure to make your way outside to the beautiful yard and gazebo area and enjoy the music…and later in the evening, you can enjoy some dancing!

Keep up with all the latest updates on the reunion by joining our group page on Facebook:


Can I just show up at the reunion without purchasing a ticket in advance?

No.  We wish it were that easy, but we have to give the caterer a headcount prior to the event, so they can prepare enough food for everyone.  If you don’t have a ticket, you won’t be able to enjoy the festivities.

When is the deadline to purchase tickets? 

Ticket sales have been extended until Sunday, September 20th. 

How do I purchase tickets? 

Please purchase tickets through this website.

What if I don’t want to purchase tickets online?

We strongly prefer that you pay for your ticket online!  If you can’t, then e-mail us at [email protected] to make arrangements to pay by money order or certified check. No personal checks are accepted.  We will provide the mailing address to you.

Can I bring my spouse/partner/friend? 

Sure!  Totally up to you, but we welcome the extra guests.  Just remember to tell us their name when you register— oh, and they have to pay, too. 

What about kids?

We ask that you not bring children to the social on Saturday.  We suggest that you attend the homecoming football game on Friday night for a family-friendly event.

What type of food will be served?

The caterer will provide us with 7 types of heavy hors d’oeuvres (that’s the fancy way of saying heavy appetizers).  We will finalize the exact menu closer to the event date, but for now, here’s an example of what may be served:  Coconut Shrimp, Pork Tenderloin Rolls, Stuffed Mushrooms, Sausage Jalapeno Poppers, Pasta Primavera, Vegetable Tray, and Cheese Tray.  Tea, Water, & Soft Drinks will be provided.  Special requests such as vegetarian, gluten-free, food allergies, etc. will not be offered, due to the difficulty of providing these options with the large number of guests attending.

What about alcoholic beverages?

Yes, you CAN bring your own alcohol, and the staff of the Richert Inn will be happy to serve it for you.  They will provide glasses for wine & beer, and provide glasses, ice, and soft-drinks for liquor drinks.  This free service is included in your ticket purchase.   In an effort to keep the per-person cost down, alcoholic beverages are not included with the ticket, and will NOT be available for sale at the event. 

 ***Please drink responsibly.  If you plan to consume, make sure you know your limits for behaving appropriately at the reunion, and have a designated driver or safe ride home if you need it!

What if I want to keep partying after the event ends at 10pm?

We suggest that you head to a local establishment to keep the fun going.  A couple of local bars are the Oasis and Ruby Tuesdays.

What should I wear? 

Dress to impress, even if just a little. While there's no exact dress code, please no t-shirts or flip-flops.

Where should I park?

Parking is available street-side on Sampson Street near the home, or you can use the free public parking lot near the intersection of Sampson and Loop Streets.

What if it rains?

The event will be held rain or shine.  There is plenty of space inside the home for you to mingle.  In the event of rain, we will rent a large outdoor tent to accommodate the social / dance area on the lawn.

How can I help spread the invitation to other classmates? 

We’ve attempted to include as many people as possible in the facebook group, but we may have missed some.  If you know of classmates that are on facebook but aren’t currently a member of the group, please add them!  And, if you know how to contact others not on facebook, please help us spread the word to them too! We'd love to see as many faces as possible!  Share this link with them to purchase tickets online:

What if I need a place to stay?

The Richert Inn operates as a bed and breakfast, with 4 guest rooms available for rent.  Visit their website to make your reservation.

How is my ticket money being used?

Reserving the location, catering, DJ, tent rental, cake, postage for invitations…it all adds up.  We have tried to keep the costs as low as possible, and no profit is being made.  If excess funds are left over (which hasn’t been the case for the previous reunions), we will keep them in a class fund to help with future events.  The additional fees charged by the online ticket company goes directly to them for their processing fees.

Do I need to print my ticket and bring with me to be admitted?

You don't need to print your tickets.  We will have a check-in station to make sure everyone attending is on the reservation list and has purchased their ticket.

What is the refund policy?          

We won’t be issuing refunds, unless the event gets canceled, which is highly unlikely.  If you purchase a ticket, then you are included in the headcount the caterer uses to prepare for.  Since we have to pay the caterer for the headcount, your money still gets used regardless of whether you actually attend.  If you can’t make it, we suggest you offer your ticket to another classmate.

What about the homecoming football game on Friday night?

There is no formal class event being held at the homecoming game, but we have heard that many of you will be attending the game.  This gives you an opportunity to have extra time to visit classmates, and people outside of our class who will be attending the game.  The game offers a family-friendly atmosphere, so it’s great for kids.  Please post on the class facebook group page if you are attending, so that others will know to look for you.

How can I help?

Email us at [email protected] and let us know you're interested in helping.  As we get closer, the committee will identify tasks for which we could use a helping hand. 

Have other questions?

Email us at [email protected]